Through an ongoing partnership with Kenosha County Division of Health, WIC families receive information on public health programs administered through the Kenosha County Public Health Department, If interested, WIC families are connected to programs such as Bright Family Beginnings and the Asthma Safe-Families program. Bright Family Beginnings pairs an expecting or new mom with a dedicated nurse or child development specialist to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and assist in providing babies with the best possible start in life. The Asthma-Safe Homes Program provides free asthma self-management education and home environmental walkthroughs to Medicaid-eligible children ages 2-18 years and pregnant women with poorly controlled asthma. The goal is to reduce missed school or workdays, urgent care visits, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations due to asthma. 

For information on these programs and other services provided by the Kenosha County Public Health Department, please call (262) 605-6700.