The Skills Enhancement Program is a locally designed workforce development program that assists working, low-income individuals obtain the skills needed to compete for living wage jobs. The program assists with tuition, books, and training-related transportation and child care costs that participants could not otherwise afford.

Program Details

Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency offers the Skills Enhancement Program to residents of Racine and Kenosha counties whose incomes are at or below 150% of the federal poverty income guidelines. To be eligible, participants must be working at least 20 hours a week while enrolled, and must pursue training for occupations that pay a living wage and typically offer employer-sponsored health insurance.

Skills Program

Our Skills Enhancement program offers opportunities in the following fields: clinical nurse assistant, licensed practical nurse, education assistant, entry level/social worker, auto diagnostic technician and auto service attendant.

$10.50/hour x 30 hrs/week x 52 week. Annual Income $16,380.

$27.85/hour x 37 hrs/week x 52 week. Annual Income $53,583.40 plus benefits. (After 24 months enrolled in the program.)

$11.00/hour x 40 hrs/week x 36 week. Annual Income $15,840.

$18.37/hour x 40 hrs/week x 52 week. Annual Income $38,209.60.

$10.00/hour x 37 hrs/week x 52 week. Annual Income $19,240.

$14.00/hour x 37 hrs/week x 52 week. Annual Income $29,120.